HIV Cure Gene Therapy


The HIV virus hides in the CD4 T cells present in our immune system. It is normal for the cells to remain dormant without the risk of the immune system and they can be activated by pathogen. As soon as the cells are activated, HIV makes a comeback and begins a fresh round of attack on the immune system. HIV Cure Research is still a long way off, but researchers are working on ways to awaken the CD4 T cells and launch an attack on the HIV as soon as it is activated.

The experts feel that repeated attacks on the HIV virus is enough to eradicate the menace completely. Many researchers on HIV virus are concentrating on this aspect to potentially weaken the risk of a future onslaught. A cure for HIV is still a long way off and another major constraint is that there is no surety that antiretroviral therapy is a system which can work to eradicate the virus. A Scientific Strategy Towards HIV Cure is also getting affected these days due to inadequate funding. The money that is coming in for research and sponsored by pharmaceutical companies is not adequate. More funds are needed to effectively work towards finding a permanent cure for HIV.

Research and studies are being carried out for triggering HIV by targeting as well as blocking the histone deacetylases to help replicate and spread the HIV virus. There is a drug called Prostratin which was used by medical scientists to help awaken the strains of HIV remaining dormant in the immune system. Scientists are also struggling to awaken CD4 T cells and this process has for long been the primary focus of researchers across the developed world.

Much of the present day research is concentrated in providing a functional or a near permanent cure which would be affordable to patients across the world. HIV Cure Gene Therapy is being worked out after it was successfully administered on a Berlin patient. Stem cells were transplanted on an AIDS patient after it was taken off a relatively healthy individual with HIV immune cells. The cost is nonetheless very prohibitive, and at $200,000, very few from the developed world and perhaps none from the developing world can afford.

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